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Pentecost & After-Cursive, Latin (digital download)

The Handing It On program combines Catholic tradition, Latin, and penmanship into each handwriting lesson.  This packet of handwriting worksheets contains prayers and hymns used during the liturgical season of Pentecost.  The Latin titles are given below, followed by the time in the liturgical calendar for using them (a cover sheet with this information is included in the packet).  English translations of these Latin texts are readily available online.

Salve Regina (Seasonal Marian Hymn)

Veni Creator Spiritus (Pentecost)

Anima Christi (Corpus Christi)

Angelus (Daily Devotional Prayer)

Memorare (Prayer to Mary)

Luke's Gospel (Holy Name of Mary, Sept. 12)

Angele Dei (Guardian Angels, Oct. 2)

Prayer to St. Raphael (St. Raphael, Archangel, Oct. 24)

Requiem Aeternam (All Souls Day, Nov. 2)

Pentecost & After-Cursive, Latin (digital download)

    “So then, brethren, stand firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught by us, either by word of mouth or by letter.” 

    2 Thess. 2:15

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