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Easter-Print Writing
In this packet you will receive worksheets for prayers and hymns to use for print writing during Easter. These include the seasonal Marian hymn and several others--see the list of titles below. The packet also contains introductory pages, an information page for each prayer or hymn (including its English or Latin translation), and a section on Traditions and Activities During Easter.


English Worksheets
Queen of Heaven
Blessing the New Fire
The Exultet
Psalm 41 [42]
Ye Sons and Daughters
I Saw Water
God is Ascended
Come Holy Spirit, Creator Blest
Latin Worksheets
Regina Caeli
Blessing the New Fire
The Exultet
Sicut Cervus
O Filii et Filiae
Vidi Aquam
Ascendit Deus
Veni Creator Spiritus
Click on the music notes to play the music while students write the text!
Credit: Nheyob/CC-BY-SA-3.0
“So then, brethren, stand firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught by us, either by word of mouth or by letter.”
2 Thess. 2:15
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